Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 30.

Seed grace...

I feel like God had used this idea, this image,  planting and flowering and sustaining and nourishing and feeding... this idea of growing in my life, on my journey.

I think where I am right now, in this season- its all about growing, healing...taking time to grow beauty.

Ann share's words on seed's today. How God gives us seeds. And when he Gives them to us- do we believe He will feed us?

"When what He gives doesn't look enough...When it looks like less than a handful instead of a plateful, a year full, a life full. When it looks inedible.."

But the beautiful grace is this;

He gifts with seeds as small as moments, grace upon grace, and the unlikely here and now, it shall sustain you, feed you. 

Do not disdain the small.

The promise of feast is within the moments.

Our enough is always in the now, because He never leaves us.

All feasts began as seeds.

To be honest, I have struggled in the past days to be thankful. I have been busy or distracted or too self-focused and worried to open my eyes and heart just that bit wider to see the seeds God has planted in my life. And I know they are there. From the walks near the beach with a the laugh with my sister in the evening...even in the one flower that smiles back at me from my vase. The seeds of joy are there. I just need to see, learn to see God's grace. And most of all, be reminded of His grace in Jesus- the freedom and life He grows in the hearts of His children.

Thank You God for the seeds that grow into moments, experiences and memories. Thank You that Jesus grows them for His glory and I can be joyful in His love.

My prayer is that I continue the next 30 days with a heart, mind and soul wide open to His love and grace.

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