Tuesday 16 April 2013


hello there to anyone who actually reads this...

I suppose I have realised I am really bad at this blogging thing. I want to commit myself to writing here, but it seems I find myself questioning whether my story is worth reading.

I read a blog post today from one of my favourite blogs from another blogger namedStephanie, who blogs at http://thelipstickgospel.com/  about stories and the power they have in not just our lives, but others. It could not have come at a better time for me to read this.  I have been wondering lately about stories, and just how much they impact upon the way we live daily. I know in the past year, stories of people's journeys through similar issues that I am going through, have helped and encouraged me in so many ways. 

My journey continues daily. I can honestly say that I am alot better then I was this time last year, especially with my anxiety and food problems. I still struggle, some days are easier then others. But the bad days are slowly being out weighed by the good ones...the days where I don't let food dictate my thoughts, relationships and emotions...

While I still have a journey of becoming the woman God has created me to be, on the way I keep learning, reflecting on what God has done in me, and His faithfulness in transforming me from the inside out. Its not by my power or strength that I am healing, but God, who gives strength and breath and life and hope...

Perhaps my story isn't read by many. But if someone is reading this, there is hope and beauty and love...and God shows this through small things, from the raindrops that echo outside my window in the morning, to the friends that share with me their love, to the big grace found in Jesus who is able to give hope and love even when we don't deserve it. 

I remember a quote this week that I heard from a movie that really got me thinking.. It went something like this.... 

"we only accept the love we think we deserve."

While this is really true in alot of relationships, what made me question this is Jesus, and His love. We can accept His love not because we deserve it, because we don't. We accept it as a gift, a good, amazing gift, knowing that we do not deserve it in anyway. It's only by grace that Jesus offer's us His love. It's only by grace that He gives me hope and strength and continues to change me and transform my heart.

Its by grace and His love that my journey continues.

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