Thursday 4 July 2013

A new journey; Of grace.

Last year I read an amazing book called "One Thousand Gifts," by Ann Voskamp. It was a beautiful string of stories about this woman's journey in living life fully through praise- praising the Giver of all gifts, big and small. It was such an eye opener- I even decided to make a big crafty poster on my wall focusing on the word Eucharisteo...which means thanksgiving.

Though, since then, I haven't really taken on the challenge I felt so convicted by while reading this book. My wall space stays kind of empty, the space I intentionally wanted to fill with everything I was thankful for...remains blank for the most part.

It wasn't until yesterday that I bought her 60 Day devotional, titled "One thousand gifts Devotional, reflections on finding everyday graces." Her introduction opened my eyes to this challenge again, and I truly believe God is using this to continue my healing journey of hope and joy.

Ann writes these words that really echo what I know God is calling me to change and grow in this season of my life...

"It is not overstatement to say that giving Him thanks has made me- and innumerable others- OVERCOMERS."

This word, "overcomer," is so close to my heart as I learn and grow and hold on to the truth that in all things I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me. Romans 8:37

Ann also talks about this journey as a Spirit-filled journey, everyday. It means everyday asking God to open the eyes of my heart, receiving His gifts, from the 'grand and the humble and hidden." And praising Him, for everything, on a journey to believe that the whole earth is filled with His glory! 

I want to intentionally cultivate a habit of learning to live praise and making gratitude and joy my default-for life! I am praying that I can be changed in my attitude of gratitude... and share this with you if you are reading.

So alongside this 60 day devotional, I will be posting everyday about a gift that I am thankful for. Somedays I know it will be easier then others, somedays I might have more then one, other days I might struggle to list one because of how much I am unable to clearly see His gifts because of my selfishness ...but I have been challenged to share this journey for the next 60 days, through the up and downs.

Lord, open the eyes of my heart!

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